The 2 hour and 15 minute webinar covers:

• The hierarchy of expert information

Legislation and the OAIC advice

Refusing Information

Consent to share information

‘I don’t write reports’ and ‘I don’t have helpful information’

Information requests when on leave (eg., maternity leave, extended annual leave, bereavement)

Objecting to subpoenas and (and similar orders)

The Double Envelope Strategy

Case notes: Slipped v tripped

Case Examples

Hi, I'm Dr Grant Blake

I am a clinical psychologist located on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland (Aus).

I provide expert witness evidence for a broad range of forensic and medicolegal matters. I particularly enjoy compensation, criminal law, and family law. I also provide evidence for decision making capacity (e.g., testamentary, administration, guardianship). I thoroughly enjoy malingering evaluations and have a comprehensive library of feigning tests.

My main clinical interests are the treatment of PTSD with EMDR, EMDR 2.0, schema therapy and CBT. I provide ADHD assessments to assist the diagnosing pediatrician and psychiatrist, typically with an inbuilt battery of malingering tests.

Available in days
days after you enroll

$165 (gst inclusive)